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Thread: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

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    Orc in the Playground
    Earl of Purple's Avatar

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    Feb 2008
    With folk in the North

    Default Re: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

    Wormwood Cabin, Braon's Dreams

    It's not going to be a pleasant dream tonight, unfortunately for Braon. It looks like GLoG, but... it's not GLoG as Braon's seen it. The lake is blood, there's only piles of burnt wood and ash instead of the cabins, and marking where the doors were are steel spikes, heads mounted on them. Sophie's head is there, staring accusingly at Braon; so is Fayyaad's, and other heads with other faces, anyone she likes or has any positive impressions of. Fayyaad's head is closest, eyes locked on Braon, and his lips are moving slightly. "You. You did this, you killed us all. You brought this upon me, I hate you. I hope you die slow and painful, over a thousand years, hating every second."

    Lurking in the background, trying to stay unnoticed but unable to hide itself, is a tall, gaunt humanoid with pale blue skin stretched tight over a skeleton that has unpleasant-looking twists, with spikes and hooks emerging from its ribs, hips, humerus and femur. The long bones of arm and leg seem to twist, with ridges spiralling along the outside, looking vaguely like a helter-skelter. Its elongated head is almost all mouth, with no eyes or nose, and teeth grow from its head in place of hair. Six eyes peer asymmetrically from between its ribs, no two matching and all shockingly human. It has six long tentacles on each hand in place of finger and thumb, and its legs end in barbed points, yet it has no difficulty balancing. Its sole garment is a bandoleer made from human skin, from which hangs a crude serrated dagger of black iron.
    Last edited by Earl of Purple; 2022-03-09 at 05:53 PM.
    Terrowin Avatar by HappyTurtle. Much thanks!