Wormwood Cabin- Braon's Nightmare

As Sekhmet rises from the lake, the boiling blood steams. More blood starts to fall from the sky, hot and wet and fresh. Fayyaad's head sticks its tongue out as far as it can, trying to catch droplets of blood rain. "Dry... throat's so dry... You killed us all." The head doesn't notice the contradiction of having no neck and having a dry throat.

Near the lake, one of the heads is no longer that cute barista that gave Braon a coffee two days ago, instead altering to Prumathe's visage. Its mouth hangs slack, however, not moving and talking like Fayyaad's.

The demon in the background stalks back amongst the trees, though Braon and Sekhmet might be able to sense its presence anyway, as another mind not native to this space.