Rina promises to search you out when she is done with her work here.

Ken can join some druids and rangers or just some others who take note of buildings that have been collapsed and see what needs to be done after the invisible attacks or look if they have been deeper damage to the surrounding nature that hasn't been detected yet.

You don't have much issue finding a boat. They're is a interesting vessel who seems to be a mishmash of elven and human craftmanship together with a equally mixed crew with a half-elven captain who is happy to give you a ride. After finding out that you were responsible for helping the isle he makes the ride even free of charge.

Though the first two days are a bit rough with massive amounts of rain and heavy winds, the following days are actually really pleasant with only some rabite-shaped clouds a slight wind, just enough to cool you off when the sun get's a bit too harsh.

You shouldn't be long till you see the tower of Sage Joch, but then the ship bucks. You feel it before you see anything. The ship seems to get pulled in a certain direction. The captain steering heavily against it, actually gaining some ground, then you can see something. It seems that something massive is pushing itself out of the water, creating a current towards it. You see a massive scaled head, almost as big as yourself. Golden eyes blinking, fixating the vessel you are on.

You hear rumbling while the creature open it's mouth and only after it closes it again you realize that it actually sayd something.


The captain and the sailors seem to have they're hands full in not bringing the ship to crash on the massive beast and seem to concentrate on the task at hand. Though the captain is able to get out a: "That's a first!"

Spoiler: Map
Turtletime. The surroundings squares are 20 feet till you hit water.