[Lakeside Hole Digging]

Tuskfang is, indeed, pretty small. He might grow up later, but for now his half-goblin heritage is affecting his size and weight. He lies down and starts scooting back, as instructed, then jumps up and down triumphantly when he reaches the ground.

"Thanks, Khannie! Now let's go get that tree!" He doesn't waste any time rushing off in that direction.

[Wormwood Cabin - New Roommates]

"Well, she's..." Reelshka isn't sure how much she should really say about Braon behind her back. Fortunately, her dilemma is solved when Braon herself appears. "Oh. Well, here she is. This is Braon Hexenborne, another recent arrival. Braon, this is Nefila. She'll be living here too now. Sorry for waking you up."

[Wormwood Cabin - Fayyaad]

"Gladly." It's only now that Fayyaad notices that Braon appears to be... well, pregnant. But it's really not something he's going to ask about. Iron Queen knows he's got enough awkward questions to ask her. He does step in, since those questions will wait until they're seated.