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Thread: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

    Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
    [Wormwood Cabin - Fayyaad]

    "Gladly." It's only now that Fayyaad notices that Braon appears to be... well, pregnant. But it's really not something he's going to ask about. Iron Queen knows he's got enough awkward questions to ask her. He does step in, since those questions will wait until they're seated.
    [Wormwood Cabin - Fayyaad]

    She does seem to be coming along strangely quickly. Here, only a few weeks at most since she's shown up, she's already got a visible (and for that matter, tangible) bump on her belly indicating her condition.

    Even so, she does her best to try to make Fayyaad comfortable. She'll pull out the chair for him, let him have the first few ladles of soup (in the good, not-cracked bowl, and after quickly cleaning off the ladle of any dirt it might have accumulated on the floor), and she'll even let him have the spot closer to the fire, despite that meaning she'll be uncomfortably chilly herself.

    The soup is... unappealing. It looks like muddied water, with little bits of bark and chopped roots and mushrooms floating around in it. It smells bitter and tangy, with only a slight hint of a more hazelnut-like earthiness to it if he turns his head away for a moment.

    That doesn't seem to be stopping Braon, though. She quietly sips up spoonfuls of the broth, as though reassuring him that it is, indeed, edible. "So..." She prompts, cradling the bowl in her arm. "...Is there, um... is there something on your mind?"

    Stupid question. Of course there is. He didn't come here to point and laugh.
    Last edited by Ironsmith; 2022-03-11 at 04:59 PM.