[Cavorting With Witches]

Mary isn't sure if that's true.

Witches didn't have complete control over their Labyrinths did they?

They always seemed like dreams to Mary. Dreams that didn't really make any sense at all, but dreams the Witch had very little control over.

Which is what dreams are normally like, in her experience.

None the less, she nods, closes her eyes, and tries to do what Sekhmet told her to do.


Don't think about anything.

It isn't long before her doubts and pain and insecurity begins bubbling up in her mind, the surroundings growing darker and more ominous.

[Lakeside Hole Digging]

And as soon as Khannie sets Tuskfang down he's off like a shot.


"Hey wait up I weigh more than you and sink into the snow a bunch!" Khannie calls after him, trudging through some of the deeper drifts.

Lapis is, of course, just walking along the top of the snow as if she weighs nothing.

"Cheater," Khannie says, sticking her tongue out at the half-elf girl.

Just down into the little draw, somehow shielded for the most part from the snow, is what they're looking for. A great big boulder that looks like it rolled down the cliff face and a smallish pine tree growing at an angle thanks to the presence of the boulder right on top of it. This is the place!


The treasure isn't anywhere to be seen!

It must be hidden somewhere nearby, but where?

There's some space below the boulder where a chest could be stuffed. And the top of the boulder is covered in snow, maybe it's up there and buried? Or maybe, just maybe, the location of the treasure has something to do with that great big X of mushrooms growing nearby? Couldn't be that last one. That would be silly.