Unlike these other two, Carine Laplace is not exactly where she'd like to be. Clad in a white one-shoulder T-shirt, light grey high ankle skinny jeans and a pair of soft, flat thong sandals very much unfit for the purpose of trekking, she's been erratically meandering through the pine forest for hours now, somehow managing to miss even the dirt tracks traversing it. As evidenced by the look of confusion combined with traces of mild fascination in her little, round brown eyes and her near-constant fidgeting with her shoulder-length flaxen hair, this slim, short girl has mixed feelings regarding the situation she's found herself in. On the one hand, this might be the single best environment to experiment with her newfound and boundless personal freedom and reflect on her unique and unfiltered individuality, safe from the fetters of social expectations and the need to maintain the routines that these expectations prescribe. On the other hand, she's been walking for hours, she's getting the nagging feeling she's going to get hungry soon-ish and her bag with all her money, her second most favourite sweater and her bottle of majestically oversweetened coffee is probably still on that train, unlike herself who markedly isn't – all she's left with are the clothes on her back and that snazzy little spade that will totally prove very useful someday (unless, of course, she gets devoured by some crazy naked guy before that, but she's not yet aware of that risk). Accordingly, when her ears pick up the soft lapping of waves in the distance, she immediately corrects course and begins to walk towards what she expects to be more of a landmark than a bunch of pines – but at a very leisurely pace.

Spoiler: Carine

Blood tokens: 5/5
Item: folding spade (equipped)