Road Pirate Pitstop

"Yes, they were the... totems, I guess, of my bio-parent's tribe. I never knew them, so I don't know much. Just what I can parse out of the impressions and memories of the lioness- which doesn't include names. They bonded with the hunters to keep the group safe, but not safe enough. There were people with guns, they killed most of my family. I was found as a baby by some adventurers who adopted me." The last adult alive handed her to one of the adventurers, and said something which sounded like 'aizkora' as they did. "He might think you're like me, since you handled one my family's knives and are in my cave. Did you cut yourself on it?"

The spirit keeps its eyes on Rust, turning to face him. It sends an impression, of running on all fours through a forest and jumping onto... it looks like a llama, though taller, and biting its neck until they collapse.