Road Pirate Pitstop

"I was raised by great people. I might not know much of who they were, but my tribe were stone age. They made those knives. I grew up with modern conveniences, y'know? Telephones, food shops, electricity, central heating." Which she wouldn't have done, if she'd been raised by her biological family.

The smilodon opens its mouth and tries to lick Rust's face. Despite having no mass, its tongue has pressure behind it- and it's wet.

Magdalene's Apartment

"This is amazing. All I had was a room in the Vault, no carpet or... uh, sky-holes." Harriet gestures at the window. "At least it was heated, and someone had painted a tree on one of the walls at some point." It wasn't a very good painting, but as nobody had paint any more it didn't really matter.

Then, Magdalene pulls a man out of her wardrobe and starts shouting! Harriet reacts quite slowly, but pulls her pistol out of its holster- or tries to, it gets stuck on something and she has to pull a few more times before her gun is free.

Beauty from Ashes

Destruction not Correct? That's... that's new. And something that Matilda notices, being as violent as she is. She can't help it, but she's got the instincts of a gigantic avian/mammal hybrid in her mind, one that doesn't know fear, only rage. She puts it from her mind for now, though she's thinking of it still, and gets to work on her leathers. The first new pair of trousers are bad enough that she hurls them against the wall and tries again, on another pair, which is better, but... every time she gets better. When she's finished making a set for herself, with new leather trousers and a top that held together by buttons so they're easy to put back on again, she'll go have another look at her first try.