Aliases: Who needs an alias with a real name like "Jet Wyvern"?
Gender: Male
Ancestry/Kin: Human (Altered, Earth)
Age: 41
Profession: G-Zero Racer (former), Superhero
Physical Description: Jet Wyvern is a tall, well-built man in a black jumpsuit with white trim. His face is obscured at all times, except for his mouth and cleft chin, which shows off a dusky skin tone. His suit includes flares around the gloves and boots, as well as his G-Zero racer number (14) embroidered on the back and shoulders, just above a stylized representation of a dragon.
Personality: Jet tends to be self-aggrandizing and overly-dramatic, but well-meaning. Given the chance, he'll go on and on about how great he is, and then turn right around and use that as grounds for reassurance. "FEAR NOT, CITIZEN! YOU'RE IN THE HANDS OF JET WYVERN, THE GREATEST RACER TO EVER LIVE!" He's also extremely competitive and likes to test himself against his peers, but only if he thinks the match-up will be close; he doesn't waste time and energy getting into races with people who are obviously slower than he is, or fights with people who are obviously weaker, and so on. (That's just not any fun.)
Skills and Gear:
-Momentum Dampening Field: A standard alteration for any and all G-Zero racers, as despite the name, G-forces do tend to feature rather prominently in the average race, and without some means of cushioning, a single lap would result in permanent internal damage, and a full race would likely be fatal. It's been configured to resist damage from crashes up to 2000 km/h (the high end of G-Zero racers' typical top speeds), which it should be noted is much faster than many more mundane dangers; thus protected, Jet could fall at terminal velocity without fear of injury when he reaches the ground (which is great for dramatic superhero landings). This field only protects his body from radical changes to velocity with regards to itself; if he is hit by a large, momentous object, he's still going to go flying (he just won't be reduced to a red smear when he lands). It also only protects him; if he attempts to make a fall like that with a civilian in his arms, their prospects upon hitting the ground are a little more paste-like.
-Enhanced Reflexes: Jet's decision-making abilities are backed up by an integrated AI, programmed by his actions to respond to stimuli the way he would... just much, much faster. This serves to bring his reaction time down to a handful of milliseconds. It also enables him to physically move much more quickly; outside the context of his vehicle, this is the origin of any and all speed-related feats he can accomplish. To a limited degree, this combined with the momentum-dampening field gives him some amount of superhuman strength, as well; he's not very good at creating a sustained force, but throwing a punch is another story.
-Photonic Projection: Jet's suit contains a number of emitters that allow him to create hard-light projections. These projections are pre-programmed and do not feature a great deal of flexibility; it's mostly limited to his racing machine (which shares his name, the Jet Wyvern) and various interfaces for storing and retrieving information. Despite appearances, these projections aren't massless; they gain tangibility by pinning atmospheric particles in place relative to him, meaning they weigh about as much as an equivalent volume of air would. In the case of his racing machine, that comes out to 100 kg total (Jet himself makes up 95 of those).
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