"I don't mind being a crutch for you. Just thought you may want something else." Jim says with a smile, "We do have 'some' things, should be fine in no time.". Jim assesses what there is and thinks on his first aid training from over the years in the different jobs. This did not seem like one of the normal things they covered but perhaps it was if he thought of it as just a cut. He puts the knife down, doubles back to grab a cup or a jug then moves to the sink and fills it with water before returning to the draws. From there he slings several of the towels over his shoulder and grabs the painkillers before walking over to Carine.

"Here, it's probably best if you have something to drink, and these may take the edge off" he hands the drink and painkillers over, and goes back to the first aid kit. From there he pockets the alcohol wipes and other gauze pads, puts the gloves on, picks up the knife again along with the roll of gauze, iodine, and the compress.

He looks over at Carine, she is not like most others he's met before, and to his eyes, seems fashionable. "Darling I'm sorry, but that bite hole is just so last season! I think I'm going to have to alter your trousers, now do you want me to tatter the bottoms of both legs so they match or... Cut them high on thay one leg so it mimics your top?" as he says this in a flamboyant way and gestures with the knife.

He goes and crouches before Carine. Looks up into her eyes "Now this will probably hurt" and with that her tears the trouser leg to get better access to the wound. He pulls out one of the alcohol wipes then pours a bit of the iodine onto the bite and goes it over with the wipe. Applying the absorbent pad first followed by one of the towels he wraps it to the leg in the gauze roll which he ties off before looking back up at Carine's face with relief that it was done.

"So, shall we check the other rooms?" standing as he says this and offers Carine a hand to stand up.