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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Death Battle Season 9: We're Never Getting Galactus vs. Unicron, Are We?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonus45 View Post
    Yea makes sense, although I could also see it going the other way purely on the argument that Wanda being more unstable and erratic could be an advantage in such a fight. This one works for me though

    Oh yea I'm all about this one. Jonathan isn't a stand user. He was the first in the line and used super special breathing powers to punch vampires. A great matchup overall, I actually have a personal fan theory about how Demon Slayer matches up scarily well to just fit into JoJo but in Japan. I don't think it is a great matchup for Johnathan though. Demon Slayer super special breathing powers tend to come with a great deal of physical enhancement and Hamon tends to just blow things up with a funny inconsistency when used on other people. You see it blow up literally cliffsides or blast through steel but never another person. I think Johnathan's grandson Joseph would take a win easy but Johnathan might just get stat checked by Breathing Style's enhancement. I don't remember anything Tanjiro has giving him super speed flash step BS like the lightning style though so there is probably still a chance.
    Hamon not hurting people is a specific feature, not an inconsistency. It can blast objects, and absolutely rips undead creatures apart, but the Hamon wave passes through organic matter harmlessly. This is demonstrated by Zepelli the instant the mechanic is introduced, with the frog.

    You can use Hamon to hurt people indirectly (eg. by making a spaghetti noodle razor sharp and strong as steel), but Jonathan never does this, and likely doesn't even know how. Joseph has an intuitive understanding of Hamon and its properties Joseph lacks.

    That said, knowing DB, they'll give Jonathan the Hamon Feats of all known Hamon users because it's something he "could theoretically do", so who knows?

    What Jonathan has going for him is that he's literally a ripoff of Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, so in terms of raw physical prowess he dwarfs any future JoJo.
    Last edited by Rynjin; 2022-04-11 at 07:02 PM.