Heltinne Thrainsdottir, Speaker of Spirits

Heltinne remained near the door, waiting with her mace in hand as she watched the construct burn. She didn't want to waste her second vial, so better to see if the others could take the walking automaton down.

OOC - Not sure I've got much, but if the thing approaches, or something attacks from inside the door, she'll react. Oh, and perception - (1d20+7)[21] to see anything inside the door.

Spoiler: Status - Round 2
AC 15 HP 12/15 Init +1 Move 30
F +1 R +1 W +4
Weapon: MW longspear (+4, 1d8+3), Cold iron Morningstar (+3, 1d8+3)
Spell (Unl) ghost sound, mage hand, guidance, create water, detect magic, spark, stabilize / (2/4) cure light wounds, bless, obscuring mist, endure elements
SLA (alter self): 1/1, Ice armor: 1hr
Key skills: Perception +7; Sense Motive +5; Diplomacy +7; Heal +8; Spellcraft +4; KS Planes +6; KS Geography +5; KS Religion/Arcana/Local +4; KS History +4; Linguistics +4
Effect: bard song, ER 5 vs cold, acid, electricity