I've been thinking about a Good and Evil pantheon over the last 3 days that I might insert into a game.

If follows the Paradise Lost / Biblical Heaven vs Hell setup and series of events but with a specific change. Lucifer waits and doesn't rebel against heaven until after its discovered that Abel has been sent to the 1st layer of Hell.

Angels didn't know the hells existed, many rebel, the upper 7 of 10 layers are conquered and turned from hellscapes to mildly pleasant or emotionless places.

The war and displacement of the evil torture energies from the upper 7 layers are consolidated into the bottom 3 layers (renamed Tartares) and Devils are born there, who begin an eternal war against the upper 7 layers of Hell.

Similar to Dante's Inferno, people who die having lived horrible lives or w/e go to different layers of hell. The 3 unconquered layers contain:
8th layer: Worst of humanity
9th layer: Worst humans in history
10th layer: 4 prisoners, identities unknown

There's more stuff involved but that's the gist of it. Big swing on the fallen angels being evil or looking out purely for their own interests. The original story's premise of anger purely against god is anted up by the discovery of hell before the Fall and the fact that Abel, who most angels believed deserved to go to at least the 1st of 10 layers of Heaven, was instead sent to the 1st layer of Hell.

Additional stuff:
Archangels, Fallen Archangels, and Archdevils of the 3 Tartares are the beings prayed to in conjunction with divine magic
Arcane magic manipulates chaotic radiation created from particle-energy collisions in the the upper 7 layers of hell (happiness particle/energies colliding with torture/particle energies).