Quote Originally Posted by Fyraltari View Post
I'm guessing it's about the rescue from the semi-elemental plane of Ranch Dressing. But it turns out it helps to have diverse skillset in your team.
That's because the Plane Shift spell sends you 5-500 miles away from your intended destination. However, there still needs to be an intended destination to go to, but that is also explained in that strip. It says that they used Sending to talk to V and get their location.

SO now that begs the question, why didn't Durkon just cast Sending to talk to Roy? That's easier than Plane Shift and has a 95% chance of success when talking to someone on another plane. However, I don't think the rules of D&D were meant to include "talking to a dead person who is living in their afterlife plane" as something the Sending spell could reasonably do, and regardless, I don't think it would make logical sense to work that way in this universe either.

So I think a reasonable answer to "Why didn't Durkon Plane Shift to see Roy?" might be "because he had no way of telling where Roy was"