Ants are not capable of abstract thought. This is a rather major difference between humans and ants. I would not expect ants to even understand what was happening, much less experience a cognitive shift.

Further, some people are simply wired differently. Yes, we have a very small sample size, but the overview effect seems to have the same shift in all who experience it, despite those people running the gamut across myriad demographic spectrums. I would argue that simply being a billionaire already requires a previous cognitive shift that allows them to exploit people on such a massive scale, and probably interferes with how normal people experience the overview effect. That's just my opinion, of course.

That all being said, I still put zero stock in what science fiction authors might think about interplanetary politics, despite their impressive credentials in.....? Interesting stories are great. I love reading and watching sci-fi. I don't for a second think anyone involved will have even the slightest idea of what to expect if and when we actually get a moonar or martian colony.