Ironically, I have never gotten less reading done than since I became a librarian. One way I try to make up for it is by listening to audiobooks. Also, as a teen librarian a lot of what I do read is young adult.

The book I most recently finished is You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao. It's about a teen girl named Julie whose boyfriend Sam recently died in a car crash. Desperate to hear his voice, she calls his phone... and he picks up. Though he really is dead, Julie is able to regularly converse with Sam during the rest of her senior year, which helps her with the grieving process. It's an interesting bit of magical realism, and while I do have a few minor complaints I mostly enjoyed the book. The narration is also pretty well done.

In between other reads I'm trying to make my way through Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, but it's an enormous book and as I mentioned I don't find a lot of time to sit and read, so it's been very slow going so far. Doesn't help that it's been a few years since I read the previous books so I'm having to try and remember names, and sometimes look them up as I go along.

Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
I should read more Novik. The later Temeraire novels kind of turned me off her, but her later books are really quite good.
I kind of agree. The early Temeraire novels were amazing, but somewhere along the line it got away from the "Napoleonic wars with dragons" premise and became "contrive excuses for Lawrence to travel to different parts of the world and show how nearly every other society better integrates dragons."