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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

  1. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    Zetath narrowly evades the spidery monstrosity, only for Kharesh to punch him in the face. The first strike brings a look of confusion and pain, the second a look of terror, “he’s gone mad!” The merchant screams before he flees. His path follows the boy who was serving tea psat Sadar and Gurmok. Some distance away though, he stops, drinks a red potion and turns back to face the battle.

    Gex tries to connect mentally with the creature, but it is unlike anything he’s ever experienced. It is as if whatever intelligence is there is so utterly alien that its mind works in a different plane than his. Still, he thinks he could affect the creature slightly, just not this time. Kali has more luck, her axe lands hard into the body of the creature, drawing back mucus and a violet viscera. Maurico has no luck, however. Both dwarf and grimspawn are dismayed to note that they haven’t the faintest idea what these monstrosities before them are.

    Sadar’s falchion completely severs one the legs of the other creature, and Gurmok mounts Zen, and augments Sadar’s defenses. The man in the yellow turban runs past them. He still has dozens of those things on him, slowly falling off as he moves. The creatures follow, but then settle around Sadar, Gurmok, and Zen. Their cacophony continues as they grasp, bite, and stab at Sadar, Gurmok and Zen with their legs.

    The two spiders each rise up on a few of their legs, wave the others in the air, throwing gray mucus about. The mucus is either the source of the noxious rotting garbage smell, or has fully absorbed it. The two then proceed to to attack the warriors that wounded them the most, Kali and Sadar. While Kali avoids injury, Sadar is not so lucky. Although were it not for Gurmok's blessing, it could have been even worse.

    Spoiler: Actions
    1-2: Revolting Display (OOC)
    3: Attack (Kali) (1d20+9)[17] (1d6+2)[3]

    1-2: Revolting Display (OOC)
    3: Attack (Sadar) (1d20+9)[28] (1d6+2)[6]

    1: Maddening display (all immune)
    2: Move
    3: Bites (basic reflex save DC 18) for 1d6 damage vs Zen, Gurmok and Sadar

    Spoiler: Conditions

    Spoiler: Map

    Pink - the swarm
    X - the two spidery things
    Y - yellow turban
    Z - Zetath
    Green (red, gray, blue) are merchant stalls, can stride through require a DC 12 Acrobatics check: crit success: pass through as normal; success: to pass through them as difficult terrain; failure: end stride; crit fail: as failure, but fall prone.
    P and E,G are all fleeing in terror.