Communication by Sacrifice was the method of chosen communication due to its expediency and efficiency - the sacrifice of a few hundred or less fish for a sentence was simply more economical than using tens of thousands for more complicated aural or sub-aural speech. Even pixilation - creating a surface of Herring that would flip or twist to form images, simply used too many calories to maintain effectively. One though would have to wonder how the entity would communicate a story. A story is more than one sentence. That is, any story worth telling. Would the entity relate the tale with a mass of death unheard of? No - that would be wasteful. Why sacrifice ten thousand when you may use previously inefficient methods. In truth, those methods of communication were not inefficient in of themselves, they were merely inefficient in comparison to what they were trying to communicate. But one would also be mistaken to think that the entity would change how it talked so casually, preferences may not be completely rational, but all systems create ruts through which they trudge - when you only have a hammer the whole world starts looking like a dead herring.

And so, more fish died in code, but instead of a simple line of text, the code was now set up in self-referential matrixes, such that a symbol or number may mean something else depending on what number preceded it - and so a longer string of thought could be expressed with the same binary tools and only cost a thousand fish. Efficiency breed efficiency and creativity such as it is can be found making a square peg fit a round hole. It's simple really. You put in the square at an angle.

But now the task at hand. How would Deep Blue finish the story? Why would it? How would it even know how to finish a tale that was already completed by a people that it did not know?

Was it an Oracle?

It was called a God. What is it that God's do?

They prophesize. Or at least that's how it may look like to those outside the black box of its natural-language processing task . . .

The code read:

The Lady then asked for her Gel.

Dead Jack answered:

"The soldier has killed me. I cannot pay the debt. You've denied me the opportunity to be healed. I am not as I was. Can't you see what you've done? To me?"

This enraged the Lady and so she had the Champion kill her and kill the themselves. They walked off into the distance to do it. Dead Jack laughed from his grave.

Once also dead, they were able to torture Jack and request the real recipe for the Gel.

Jack couldn't answer. So the Dead Lady and the Dead Champion killed Jack's Ghost. Little did they know that a Ghost murdered is a man reborn.