Quote Originally Posted by Dork_Forge View Post
Here's the errata link for the SCAG: https://media.wizards.com/2021/dnd/d...CAG-Errata.pdf

In it you will find design changes that Tashas put out, which were then forced upon the SCAG.
The design change still came from the new book, not errata. It only got added to errata after the book was made. "Promise" kept.

Quote Originally Posted by Dork_Forge View Post
Let's be clear here, what you think about which mechanic is inferior or superior is neither here nor there, nor is it what you said. You considered players that chose to not adopt these new changes as stagnating, that is referring to people not mechanics and that is derogatory.
No, I have no problem with players who don't want to adopt these changes. Those players still have all their old books and can ignore every new book they want for all of me.

My problem lies with the belief that the designers aren't allowed to continue iterating on the game in any published form until 6e. That is, yes, stagnant.

Quote Originally Posted by Dork_Forge View Post
This has nothing to do with whether or not how they're doing it, and when they're doing it, is appropriate and upholding what they've said previously. This just comes across as 'deal with it, they're doing it anyway and I like it so suck it up'
"What they've said previously" in that apocryphal vow you've yet to produce?

Quote Originally Posted by Dork_Forge View Post
You haven't really provided anything that illustrates your point. I don't really know how many times I have to say that.

You could have just said, for example in Warcraft at this time they made this significant change. But you didn't you just listed a bunch of games and spoke in vague abstract terms like that was meant to prove your point.
So if I say something like "leveling progression and quest design" that's too vague, but if I get more specific about what they changed it would be a waste of time anyway because, by your own admission you've never played any MMO before so you'd have no idea what I'm talking about anyway. So how exactly does that help?