You (or Labs) makes his way up the uninviting mountainside. It doesn't take that long till you reach the top and can overlook the canyon. The first thing you see is that at the right side of the mountains seems to be an easily traversable way into the valley (though with Labs perfect climbing speed it's probably faster to get to the village on the way you already are at.)

Right in the middle of the valley is a big village (or a small city), there seems to be a relatively big mine at it's left side and north of the village is a simply massive belltower, a colossus made of white and grey stone, it seems to be even higher than the surrounding mountainside. Another unusual thing are the caves that nudge themselves in the northwest of the valley. They are other natural occuring caves dotting the mountains but these seem to be especially big and foreboding.

Then the sound of metal against metal and incoherent screaming draws your attention towards a creature.

It looks kinda like a scorpion. If a scorpion had three protruding heads that are only mouth and no eyes and if it had pincers basically all over it's body wiggling aggressively and metal armor plates that scrape against one another.

It seems to be going towards your direction.

Spoiler: Valley

Spoiler: Scorpion