Quote Originally Posted by wefoij123 View Post
I've been ruling no for the longest time now. Because nowhere in the rules does it explicitly label the human bonus feat as a racial bonus feat.

But here it is... creator of the game explicitly saying that it is a racial bonus feat and it is gained/lost because of polymorph... you can't get any more open and shut than that...

So the next question was, can the player choose the human bonus feat? The bonus feat is "any", so I think the answer is yes, but it has to be a 1st level feat and only a 1st level feat.

Unless I'm wrong. Am I wrong?
Does the feat originate from the human having a human body or having a human brain? If it is the body the feat derives from (which seems weird) then yes loose it while not being in human body. If the feat derives from the mind of humans being creative intelligent and adaptive then no, you should not loose the feat!