Cael of Cthulhu

"It's my working theory while dosed on it, and it's magic, so I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I'd have Needs study it, but I'm hoping there's not enough left down there for him to study. If there is enough for him to study, it's probably because she turned into a puddle of water and slipped away while we were distracted," the tin man remarks, still as nonchalant about the idea of her coming back for revenge as he was about bleeding to death. Speaking of which...

"You don't have to lie to me, you know. It's probably standard bedside manner for doctors, but I'm used to death. The real issue is what happens when I'm gone. Nobody here to run this place, movie night cancelled, the other clones taking over and kicking you out when I go several months without reporting back, Blanche without a little brother or sister or two to dote on, movie night cancelled..." They never even got to see that one smash hit film where the main character works at a funeral home. You know, the one where the guy gets spooky superpowers and says 'I'm morgue-ing out!'

Putting a Lid on Pandora's Box

"I can get the doors closed on my own no problem, but if you want them to shut sooner than in three very dramatic minutes, to come down all at once, you need to cut the brakes. Blow up the counterweight mechanisms right there and there, and it'll come crashing down like a guillotine," Magtok explains, pointing to a seemingly innocuous triangular wedge with yellow and black hazard stripes on the ceiling next to the bulkhead, and then another identical wedge on the inner side of the bulkhead. I imagine you'd want to destroy that one after the other, once everyone has hurried past and gotten to safety. Otherwise you'd end up with someone stranded with the carnivalfexes, which would obviously be less than ideal unless it's Eshaal.

"Acid should be fine, how high can you throw i-actually never mind, better idea," Mag rushes to grab the goblin with the one arm he's got left and hover up to the top of the ceiling (an entire fifty feet up because why not have ridiculously massive echoing chambers in your supervillain lair?) so she can get a better view of the first of the two wedges that need to be broken.

"Don't look down if you're afraid of heights."