Dyveke uses her helm to peer as far into the darkness as she can. She'd like to just bolt for any exit she could find, but she had a horrible feeling that there was more danger lying in wait ahead, but nothing she could imagine that would be worse then Sister's bizarre holy sword. She decided to share what she knew with the rest of the cell.

"Okay, eyes peeled, but keep moving. There's something not right about that sword the Interrogator was using. Normally, when you kill a demon, it doesn't really die, so much as it's essence is relocated to a random part of the warp, where it slowly rebuilds itself until it can manifest again. Absolute embuggerance, really but when the Sister vivisected that thing it just vanished and, er. It seemed like it completely eradicated it's very soul. Which is bizarre and I would say, very frightening considering we were almost on the other end of it. In my expert opinion I would highly recommend we get as far away from her as fast as humanly possible."

She begins moving forward, slowly, still scanning the single hallway they were intent on traversing. "So, no, I can't say I'm up to go drinking tonight. Sorry."