You've Got To Be Kitten Me

Magtok blinks, opens his mouth to respond, and then clamps it shut when the words to answer Caelynn aren't immediately forthcoming. Oh crap, is this sobriety? Is this the part where Future Magtok finally bears the consequences for all the mindless nonsense Past Magtok gleefully spouted without regard for how he might suffer for it later? He glances down at his arm, which doesn't look nearly as catastrophic and fatal as it did when he looked at it earlier. It hurts a little more now than it did earlier, but that's only because his brain was on another planet when the ice bitch slashed up his arm. So that means either it was never that bad to begin with and we deluded ourselves into thinking we were on death's door, or our wife live-in nurse girlfriend undefined romantic partner is some kind of secret witch who magicked away the worst of it when we weren't looking.

"Oh, I'd love to, but I have to go turn a hair dryer into a superweapon just in case the naiad is-" the cyborg leans in the general direction of the door, but doesn't stand back up or even take a single step before sitting back down again. C'mon, Magtok. That excuse isn't going to work while she's in the middle of covering your arm in gauze and can do so as slowly as necessary to keep you here to explain everything. You're going to have to try significantly harder than that.

"Doctor, I was under the influence of a river spirit straight out of Greek myth, I couldn't not think of-" No, this isn't the winning answer either. You're only going to dig yourself an even deeper and more embarrassing pit if you have to explain that your best defense against being entranced by a supernatural nature spirit was focusing all your mental energy on fantasies of knocking up your wife your lover your de facto spouse the future mother of your next three to four kids overly-inquisitive bedfellow.

"I-I mean, don't act like you haven't thought of it before, or hinted at it, or...uh, anyway, we could make it work! All of mine have grown up and left the nest, so it's just us and Needs here. I know the lair isn't ideal right now, but if I haven't childproofed it after a few months, we could find a place near your clinic in Riverside and I'd just focus on fixing the cave up on the weekends. It'd take some sacrifice, but I think together, we-" Magtok suddenly snaps his fingers as his new answer slides into place just in the nick of time. He then winces for a moment, because finger-snapping means moving his human arm which means oww.

"Adoption! That's the word I was trying to remember, adoption! I'm sure there's plenty of filthy orphan chimney-sweeps in Skyside who'd love to be molded into the Nexus's next big supercriminal and evil genius. We could get one of those, and then no dirty diapers, no getting up in the middle of the night to deal with a crying infant, you don't have to go through labor, and I don't have to admit to anything!" Magtok, it's too late for that now. You've already admitted to everything. Three times in a row, as a matter of fact.