[Glimmer Mist Park]

Why, it crashes right through. The dragon find itself flying through a starless void, the silk-covered ground rapidly being left behind.

The gust caused by its take-off sends the swordman's physical body rolling towards an edge. Before he can fall far into the abyss, his astral self grabs hin and tosses him back on solid ground.

His astrak form then flies after the dragon. Well... fly is perhaps the wrong word. It's more like he's running up a vast spiral staircase, the steps appearing just before his feet touch them and vanishing as soon as his feet leave them. The fiery swordsman is trying to outspeed the dragon and get above it, so he can jump on its back. He's going fast enough that, to human eyes, he'd look more like blurry line cutting across the darkness, or perhaps a long line of men all running up, the images of him moving lingering in the eye after his body has already moved onward.