personally I like the show and that the whole discussion about
Spoiler: redemption
Catra is ignoring that its kind an idealistic show for kids and a fantasy. I wouldn't hold it to standards of complete realistic morality and that its okay for Catra to be saved and to end up as Adora's girlfriend, because its okay to have a perfect happy ending if that is what the writer wants to aim for. they executed it well enough to earn that happy ending for me personally, and if you argue of what should change well....well I personally wouldn't change the outcome, just the road to get there because I like the outcome personally, so if there was anything I'd change is make Catra's arc towards being saved/redeemed whatever a little more plausible and well thought out for the people who care, but I think the way its currently done is fine even if its abrupt and sudden, some things just happen easier than you think they do, especially in circumstances like in season 5 where Catra gets a significant change in perspective about all this.

like before she could probably justify to herself "I'm going to rule and everyone will just learn to accept and be happy with me in charge as an awesome badass warrior queen" or something like that, but when the green guy came along she probably realized "oh no, everyone is probably going to be turned into THIS jerk and I'll be all alone until I am one to."