Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
If it's not a D&D monster, under what criteria could we consider it "possible to guess"? A big reason for focusing on D&D 3.5 is that those are the rules OOTS operates under, and so we can readily study various monsters' powers under those rules to see if they fit what we've seen from MitD. If it's not a D&D 3.5 monster, perhaps it could be guessed, but far more would be open to interpretation about how its powers would translate into this setting.
Possible is a long way from being easy. The context for that quote was, "I.e. I didn't make it up." As long as its abilities are based on lore about the creature, it fits just fine.

Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
And that's the flipside of it, really. It's easy to poke holes in various cases for monsters, but it's much harder to come up with a better fit than what's been proposed already.
But that's the main problem. There is no good fit. Protean is a copout, since it doesn't actually have any innate ability that it could "dig deep and find" to help the escape—aside from what is basically a mulligan—and completely ignores the main physical characteristics the creature possesses in order to jump through hoops in to try and make it fit. Protean is just the most malleable creature that can be massaged to cover the most bases.

Quote Originally Posted by Ruck View Post
Aside, since I'm thinking about it: Are there any creatures with Wish as an extraordinary ability? Part of me thinks that's the best fit for the Escape, since V and O-Chul literally land on top of Hinjo, and it's very easy for me to picture MitD wording a Wish like "I want to send O-Chul and his elf friend back to their paladin friends." Of course, it's also not too hard to picture MitD using detect thoughts or some other similar ability to read V's mind to figure out where they came from, then use Greater Teleport or what have you, and the direct landing is just an extra punchline.
There are several, but for various reasons, they don't fit. It's through shapeshifting into one of them that Protean gets around the escape scene. I fully agree that wish or miracle is the best fit for the escape, but just like Protean, they're also the most broad. It's somewhat better, though, since they wouldn't be finding a different ability somewhere else, and there isn't any other ability that really fits that we know of.