When Gabriele drops down into the open tunnel, Severin indicates for her to keep quiet and then points out the handprint he discovered earlier. Motioning for her to follow him outside, he then quietly fills her in on his thinking while she studies the sinkhole for traps.

"Don't tell the others, but that handprint and the fact that you longshanks have to drop everything to make it through the passage makes me think that maybe some of the disappeared Halflings made it out of the mine this way, but I can't tell if they made it out of the sinkhole as well. Someone or something has been at these spiny plants as well - probably looking for something to eat. But then I found the lizard skin, and I got to thinking that maybe they eat plants too, you know?"

"Anyway, once you're done looking around, I want to have a go at climbing up the sides to see where we end up, but I may need help getting up and down again. Us Halflings are built low to the ground for a reason," he quips.