Scooper fisted his palms excited, and by that his ki fell down.
'I ran away! I can't standing sitting sick all day, all days! I want to become strong! Merrow!'

Cell.Jr. rolled his eyes.
'Well, this planet surely killed this fantasy of your's. Yes, it was Scooper's intiative, Vodkana respect that, and hope that with personal journey he can overcome what ever wierd curse has befallen the kid. She sent me to watch over him, but the overly kind local authorities gave him problems, so I have exposed myself. Things are going smoothy, so Vodkana probably think my Hakaishin's duties can wait. Also, Vodkana has hidden a mirror shrad on him, so if emergency come, either she can summon herself to him, or he can get back to her. So yeah- it's boring. No drama, no risk. Ugh.'

Scooper look up at Jade.
'Mommy always says you are the best teacher in existence! You have helped her and so many others! If someone can make a strong warrior out of me, it's you!'
and then he blush and cower.
....Forgive me, Sensei.. I just feel so strongly about it.'