Ratharon was fixated on watching the lupine threats trailing them, enough that Glint's appearance registered but didn't alarm her. Though once they mentioned the beasts, she found it odd just how carefree she was. Joan was suspicious of their intent, understandably, while Jegger was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Ratharon studied her for a moment, then decided to take Jegger's approach.

"Greetings to you, fair Glint. My name is Ratharon Dhodom. I understand and appreciate your concern, but as my friend mentioned, we are here to stop one beast in particular that has attacked the town of New Zarian. You say you're familiar with the creatures of this land? Perhaps your knowledge would help us get in, do our job, and get out swiftly enough." But she can't help herself probing for a bit more. "Unless you have reason other than concern for getting us away from here..?"