Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
I didn't "switch" anything, I've been operating off the dictionary definition the entire time (see the link I posted.)
How about we refuse to use the word "baseline". When we mean "minimum", we say minimum. When we mean something else like "typical" or "average" or "reference point that doesn't have to be the minimum", we say something like that.

If you invariably mean "minimum" when you say "baseline", then:

Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
As for "mechanical reasons" Human balance is definitely something I think they can continue to refine in 5.5e. As it stands, standard human is largely seen as a trap, while variant human might be too strong. But the design goal of them being the baseline for playable races is perfectly valid.
How does this make sense? The design goal should be for them to be the minimum among all the races?
If you mean human should be balanced upward somehow in 5.5e, then suddenly they cease being the appropriate minimum, and we start the cycle over.
What am I missing??