[Deal with a Demon]

...Made it past the what?!

The succubus's face goes a little pale as she listens to the list of things she's apparently lucked out of encountering. Cyberwolves? Asbestos? She ought to be dead twice over before she even got to the front door! ...Well, okay, really only once, but still.

The succubus clears her throat, inwardly listening for the sounds of silicate fibers in her lungs, before stepping past the door and addressing Magtok. Okay, just like she practiced. Just a bit more fire here than she anticipated.

"Good afternoon." She begins, with the most sincere-yet-professional smile she can manage. "My name is Katherine Amici. I represent Demons Advocating Mutual Neutrality, a non-profit political advocacy group based in the southern portion of Riverside."

At least, that's what it says on their wiki page.

"I'm here today to discuss the possibility of a business arrangement that promotes our cause and adds another revenue stream to your ledger."

Well. Hopefully that stokes his curiosity enough for her to get past the front door.