
I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that no one resolution system fits all cases.

My group's recently been playing a lot of the Alien TTRPG. system is pretty simple: attribute+skill dice pool of d6's, target number is 6. one 6 in the pool is a success, extra successess can be spent on various skill tricks. the thing about the system is that there is also a stress system. stress adds extra d6's that can add to your success overall, but the stress dice can also effectively crit fail, causing your character to spend all the ammo in their weapon, blue screen on the spot for a turn, run away or get more stressed out. take too much stress and your character can develop neurosis.

You want some stress for the extra dice it gives, but too high and if stress procs you may get one of the more debilitating effects, and a high stress means a higher chance of it proc'ing.

Would I want a system like that for D&D? nah. but it works in the Alien TTRPG.