I read that as harmless teasing, on Aurelia's part. They were JUST through hearing an anecdote about Marigold getting something up her nose, then the 'phone rang, so Aurelia's reaction being "Is that him? Better make sure he's sorry!" is a reasonable in-joke just between the two of them, while Dale can't actually hear her.

My only complaint - and its very, very minor - is that I don't feel like we've had enough build up for Marigold to be telling such sexual anecdotes to someone she met for the first time only 20 minutes ago. She's introverted, struggles to meet new people, and was red-faced embarrassed when she was at yoga and her closest, bestest friend just ripped a fart. Going from that to "Band Camp" stories with a near-stranger feels like I've missed a step or two where they actually became friends, or something?