Maggie nods eagerly at Ozzy's question. "Oh yes! You see my mother's got a cousin that never comes to the surface. She's a real odd-one, that Sidgey. Anyway, we had to go about half a day's walk, most of it down before we made it to their clan hold to celebrate my grandma's 250th birthday. And can you believe her hair's still as vibrantly green as ever, spending almost a century underground? So I've always had a knack for words and how different folks like to use 'em, so while we were there I met a more distant relative- I think he's my second cousin once removed, but these details can get fuzzy. And besides, I was more interested in the funny way he said 'amethyst' than in how exactly we were related. But so we were there for almost 3 months that trip, and I learned all about the even darker Gnomes and Dwarves that live deeeeeep underground, and my (I think) second cousin once removed- his name was Quijamite- he taught me Undercommon while we were there. They just call it common though, isn't that neat!? So we had lots of time to talk, after all a 250th birthday isn't a trifling matter..." When it becomes apparent that Maggie could (and would gladly) regale the gathered company with the entirety of their three-month stay in the nearer portions of the subsurface, no doubt someone gets her back on topic, and reminds her of the other half of the question.

"Ooooh, riight" she murmurs. "Well, you haven't seen Scruff mad, but he can a pretty compelling distraction when we get in a bind. And I've got a couple of neat tricks up my sleeve, so long as magic isn't out of the question. All the same, I'd like to keep the details to myself for now." She immediately begins literally bouncing up and down in her seat, visibly excited. "It's so much fun when people see it for the first time!" It's hard to be sure, but it seems she's not aware she's spoken the thought aloud. "Oh! And I can cast curative magic, too. and... kinda... sometimes.... see the future.... a little." She finally rattles to a pause- long enough to take 3 breaths, in fact. Blinking awareness back to the present, she looks up at Ozzy with a polite smile.

"Will that do?"