Quote Originally Posted by Elkad View Post
The PCs WOULD make those errors. Unless they are getting out the tape measures and transit levels and Engineering+Cartography skill checks and spending far more time.
The PCs can see the distances. That lets them be a bit more accurate with relative distance compared to the players (who are blind relatively speaking). So while the PCs would make some +/- 5ft errors, they would make fewer meaningful errors than the Players would under that methodology.

So all those errors that the PCs would make? I was not talking about those. I was talking about the extra errors the PCs would not make but the Players do make as a result of GM to Player miscommunication about what the PC sees. Those out of character errors accumulate. Ideally either correct them or make them not matter (sounds like you took this method). Let the players focus on the errors their character made instead.

Quote Originally Posted by Elkad View Post
And I've taken their map away by various means and then chased them out of the dungeon too, making them rely on memory.
Oh that sounds fun. In your experience how complicated did the dungeon need to be for this experience to work well without being too complicated? Did short chases vs endurance chases change that?