Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
That bit was actually my least favorite part.

Spoiler: DNA
I really don’t need Kamala to be a mutant, and I don’t know why they’re choosing her to run point on that. Kamala’s story is great on its own—she has a connection to an otherworldly lineage that allows her to access and channel the noor.

Trying to make her a mutant as well only muddles the whole thing up, and diminishes everything she’s just been through. Here’s hoping that was a throwaway line and they don’t go down that route in the "Marvels" movie.
They're choosing to do it because, well, she fits the classic mould. The young teen girl PoV character who acts as the audience's eyes into the team is a classic staple of the X-Men. Both Kitty Pryde and Jubilee were created specifically for that purpose, and you can bet every cat picture on the internet that if she hadn't launched whilst Perlmutter was in a massive snit about not having the movie rights to the Mutants Kamala would have been one instead of an Inhuman in the comics.

Being a Mutant is content neutral for this version of Kamala, it neither helps nor harms the story that was told with her. (Certainly not as much as Damage Control. The opening shot of the next time we see them better be every single one of them being fired and the entire department closed down as a useless waste of money for being publicly humiliated by five teenagers three of whom didn't even have superpowers.)

The emotional climax of the show was the end of episode 5.