Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Thats also a relevant point. We do not know what the heck they want.
Capturing supers are likely going to be wildly impractical. Unless you got someone with mind control powers of course.

Question then remains what goal they can have. It seems unlikely Archon has to much stuff of value.
Besides i guess information. A quick smash&grap still seem most likely.
Capturing supers could involve goals that dont require willing participation. No need to mind control if your goal is to say, dissect hiro and figure out how he can do what he does, in order to grant that ability to your own troops. There is also the potential for non mind control brainwashing. After all, this is a super hero comic, and we all know about the winter soldier as an example so its certainly within the realm of the feasible in this medium. And we cant forget supernatural mind control as an option that exists. So even straight up mind control powers are potentially on the table in a couple forms. But yeah, we need to know what the goal is.