Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
[Dragon Storm - An Aside]

"...yes." Ambrosia is quick to nod to affirm Utayo's question. "I realize that might have been a bit of an unsavory sight but it was better than to leave these bodies to rot don't you think?" She remarks as she let's the moonfolk take the lead once more.
But after a moment the slows down as she seems to have more to add. "In fact, you might find it interesting to hear that people in the Hyshun empire, where I'm from, once traveled far and wide to offer their dead relatives to the divine dragons." She could get into details of how the corpses were prepared to 'taste better' but perhaps it was better not to. "Thankfully those practices are gone along with the dragons themselves-" With the exception of Ambrosia herself of course. "But people are still buried in coffins shaped like a dragons head. Something foreigners often find grotesque once they know the full context."
Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Dragon Storm - An Aside]

Thariza's first instinct is that she'd be fine not knowing that. But no, that's not how she's meant to be thinking now. This is new information and a scholar welcomes it. Whatever it might be.

"That's... okay. Might be the weirdest burial custom I've ever heard of."

As the trio travel towards the place Utayo found from afar, they'll start heading into the foothills and then a thick forest. Thariza is silent but grows increasingly uneasy and nervous. It's when the party emerge into a path cut into the side of a cliff that the reason for it becomes obvious... but perhaps not to her two companions.

"No. No, no, no, no. Why'd it have to be here?" she asks in a hoarse voice.

Before them, at the end of the path, Ambrosia and Utayo will see what used to be a fortress. It was once a magnificent spire rising into the sky, cut from the same limestone as the cliffs around it. But something seems to have sheared most of it clean off, leaving it in rubble. The fortress below it escaped the devastation, but it's still a ruin, appearing to have been further damaged by explosions. It doesn't look like anyone has been here in some time.
[Dragon Storm - An Aside]

"It's certainly a curious custom." Utayo remarks. There's some interesting notes there that she's curious about, but perhaps she'll refrain until after Ambrosia has ate. Like if the dragons are gone, what does that make Ambrosia?

Later Utayo turns back toward the others when Thariza speaks. "...Is something wrong?" She looks back toward the ruin. Where had she guided them?