Quote Originally Posted by Gold Leaf View Post
[Training Ground]

"It's not about increasing my wealth or net worth, no. If financial gain was the goal, I would be slaying a dragon instead of talking to you. I simply have a strong desire to own as many one-of-a-kind swords as I can. That is my purpose, a prime directive I have given for myself. And you're getting in the way of it. So..."

TARBot stops leaning and stands up, entering an alber guard stance with his katana.

"If you're not going to give it up, you're going to have to duel for it. Don't worry, I'm a nice person. Should you win, I will give to you a sword of my own. It is of no concern to me, because I'm not going to lose."

Is Mia ready to prove this robo-poser wrong?
[Training Ground]

Mia remains as she was for now, still having that smile on ehr face.

"I beg your pardon, but I don't have a reason to fight. I don't want a sword from you nor do I want to bet of my own sword. So you may excuse me now as ai continue my training."

She grabs her sword , ready to use it if the robot man charges at her but she is slowly walking away from him to an area where seom dummys are placed. She doesn't turn her back on TARBot as she is sure he won't give up that easily.

Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post

"What? Some technology, yes, but every bit of machinery has a soul too? How does Deus Mechanicus teach that? Is it the sort of thing you can show people, since you are a priestess?" They've learned since coming to the nexus that even the unliving spirits of fiends and angels have an essence that can be reached and woven. If the same were true of cars and sword and robots, it would be a whole new paradigm.

"And couldn't people be built for a purpose too?" They do it all the time, though it's a bit hard to keep people on track...

"Yes, we priestress can see and interact with the spirits. Most other people with an ability to commune with spirits seem to be limited to those of living things like humans, animals and maybe plants. I can't really tell you why but for soem reason they have no idea about the spirits." Mia says.

"Not in the same way as most machines. A toaster in it's code can only heat up things inside him. He can't turn to cool things unless someone changes him. People seem to think they are made for one purpose but thats just themself limiting themself. I know you can twitch things in a way iyou are right, but the most common thing is that a machine has one way to work while a human can becaume everything."