I'm not sure where the discussion for miracle implementation goes, but I figure I'll just put it here and wait for the gm team to be done with their post-round opener relaxation break.

The Birth Of Avarice

Everything is set. The stars are aligned. The currents are in the right place. The rock nest is imbedded with wealth of the ages. None of these things has materialistic meaning, but remnants of teachings from the Tall Tales ascribe symbology itself meaning within stories woven. As was proven tonight, force of will from the collective consciousness can bring forth unto reality itself.

Mammos, Will Of The World, Avatar Of Avarice, Fly Queen, takes on a form almost wholly alien to any denizen of the underwater, purportedly descended from the Dries Above. Insectoid wings, several pairs like a seraph. Bizarre legs with stump like feet in place of fins unsuited to the water. Yet fins and feelers and gills exist on this creature too, and it moves throughout the Waters of the World with an angelic grace defying all laws of locomotion. It is said to unify the traits of Sky, Sea, and Soil.

(What is meant by those phrases is at best, guesses. Skies is probably in reference to the Dries Above, albeit a bizarre phrasing, and the little gleaned from magical rites says as much. But Soil? What does *that* mean? The obvious guess would be the ground underneath Medusa Roots, some reference to the deeper underworlds and depths, but that has been explicitly denied. Whatever vast reality Soil refers to, it is from a world *entirely* distant and alien, and yet we are assured it exists, *somewhere*.)

Greed binds us all, hive mind and isolate alike. The thinking of hiveminds that they are more unified within themselves is a good one to take, but it is just the first step. Isolates form bonds within themselves and with other isolate clusters and hive minds through economic ties. This basic principle of exchange, of force of beliefs through material will, is itself a unity of thought.

When you pay something for a service, you command it, you unify your intents for mutual growth. Through these bonds, even those with vastly different belief systems and populations can be brought into alignment. We are all, at the core of things, one entity, one being, fractured into an ever expanding variety of cognitive processors. Not just in number of processors, but in *kind* of processors, ever evolving and expanding. Shell is the one true language with which all processors speak.

Harpies, Herrings, Humans, they don’t share anything in common. Anatomy, language, location, size, locomotion. But the one thing we all have in common is a basic principle of currency. All processors do, once they advance to a sufficient degree. Within the waters this is certainly the case, both in our frozen home, and in the warmer waters beyond the borders.

(Harpies and Humans obviously refer to hypothetical denizens of these strange other worlds outside of our reach, from the ordering it is supposed that Harpies are from the Sky, and Humans are from the Soil. Very little is known about either of these other races, and what little is known may be entirely fictional, not even if they are even major facets of those other worlds. The Herrings are, as we know, not presently omnipresent within the waters of polar, let alone outside it.)

It is these principles that guide the teachings of Mammos. Everything, alive or otherwise, is all collectively a singular hive mind, fractured for efficiency. Or perhaps, if not *for* efficiency, then making the best of some long past cosmological event that splintered the unified whole. It really is hard to say, the origins of life have always been a mystery, even within religious belief.