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Thread: OOTS #1262 - The Discussion Thread

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: OOTS #1262 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Ionathus View Post
    Relative to the elves, humans are goblins.

    They breed way faster and live way shorter lives. In fact, the difference between elves and humans is bigger by many more orders of magnitude than the difference between humans and goblins.

    Yet they seem to have somehow managed to work out peaceful coexistence between their races. The elves haven't exterminated the humans, and the humans haven't crowded the elves out.

    I really have no idea why you think goblinoids would be any different.
    Ah but see, the goblins have green skin and fangs and the humans don't.

    It's also worth pointing out that thinking purely in terms of humans on one side and goblins on the other is kind of fallacious. Once there is an actual peace mixed societies would probably emerge all over, give it a generation or two and the goblins and humans of, say, Cliffport, will find themselves having more in common with each other than with those of, say, Nowhere.

    And once the interbreeding* and cross-species adoption happens, it's basically a guarantee that the two will meld into the same culture.

    *This is D&D, I assume that goblin-human couples are fertile. They are much closer than humans and dragons at any rate.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2022-07-25 at 08:19 AM.