[Dragon Storm - An Aside]

"Yes, the idea of the dead being eaten is abhorrent to most cultures and is for mine too if we're talking about people. But the divine dragons are above that so it isn't seen as taboo for them to what would be considered deeply immoral for anyone else. Though not all bodies were eaten mind you, some were simply consumed by the dragons divine breath if they were considered too impure." Ambrosia could go on about this a long time as the dragons of her homeworld were the ones she knew most of.

Though as Utayo suspected hunger was plaguing her and she had just exerted herself again so perhaps it was best to be brief before she started feeling light-headed again.

Then they reach the site and while Ambrosia doesn't immediately recognize it she can through Thariza's reaction tell where they are. "...is this where you-" She looks up at Thariza, just waiting for at least a nod of confirmation.
The fact that she had just ate dead corpses was probably going to make this even weirder and it didn't look like Thariza needed that right now.