I'm still so far down the levels of disbelief hole that no light is reaching from the surface.

I've never bought that "too shy to enter a bar" Marigold would become a streamer.

I've never bought that she would be a V-Tuber either.

I especially never bought that she would be willing to play porn games on her stream.

I never bought that she would become hugely successful - a streamer I watch regularly answered a question about becoming a successful streamer with "You've got a better chance of becoming an actor or a musician".

I've never bought that Aurelia could be doing her stream without knowing the sort of audience she was attracting. Half the time she seems to know, the other half she's clueless. Which is it?

I don't buy that Aurelia's stream is popular enough that a collab between the two would be exciting or hypeworthy.

I don't particularly buy that the two streams share an audience, or that the streamers would even be aware of each other on a professional level.

I didn't buy that Aurelia would be super flustered about meeting Marigold.

I don't buy that Aurelia would be unaware of innuendo, especially given the type of crowd her stream attracts.

And I super duper special don't buy that a bit of innuendo would go viral. Worse things than that are said on streams every second and this wouldn't raise a blip.


Can we please stop with the VTuber stuff? He's yanking characters around and re-writing them to force them into a mold to tell a storyline that doesn't make sense in a field that Jeph seems to have even less of a clue about than I do (and I'm an old fart when it comes to this stuff). Every new comic I have a refrain of Morbo from Futurama saying "X DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!"