Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
Now, critically, it can be duplicated. Many of the more substantial lightsaber variants like double-bladed, variable blade length, crossguards, etc. all require multiple crystals, emitters, and power cells. A double-bladed lightsaber light Maul's is effectively two lightsabers welded together (in Legends there was a Sith who taught Darth Bane who did exactly that, and could switch from double-bladed to dual sabers by cutting the weld as a result). The Jedi do have a bunch of dogma against these kind of variations, probably based around the idea that giving an apprentice more than one crystal is somehow indulging greed or something.
In the newcanon, plenty of "regular Jedi" have double-bladed lightsabers (The Temple Guard, Krell, etc) - so there may not be all that much dogma. In the High Republic era (200 years before TPM) there's even a Jedi who uses a lightwhip (hers is a regular lightsaber that can be switched to "lightwhip mode") - lightwhips were only used by Sith in Legends.