[Training Ground]

TARBot's attack is deflected successfully. He also moves back immediately after, having expected a counter attack.

TARBot looks around at the dummies in the area. Are those robots, or just simple dummies? TARBot makes a mental note to cut one open later and find out.

Then, two more people shows up. That's kind of annoying. Can't they see that a duel is taking place here, wanted or not?

TARBot disappears for about a second, creating a flash of white light as he does so. When he returns, he's holding a completely different sword: in place of the pink sparkly katana he held before, he now holds the Windforce, a baby-blue broadsword. Also when he returns, he finds the tall man standing between him and Mia. Does anyone here respect the rules of a damn 1v1!?

TARBot looks to the man, then to the sword at his side, then back to the man. It seems unassuming, but this guy seems like he wouldn't just enter battle with any old sword in his sheath. If anything, it probably has sentimental value. Anyways...

"I'll talk to you later, lady. Right now, this is none of your business. Though, if you'd be interested in dueling for your sword later, I'd be happy to accept. But at this very moment, woman, all I have to say to you is 'out of the way'." With this, TARBot stabs his sword into the ground. The tall man in front of him, as well as the large woman and small man approaching him, should feel a powerful blast of wind when this happens, strong enough to knock an average human back a considerable distance.