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Rumah Leluhur (Region 27)

Spoiler: Geography
Rumah Leluhur (Region 27)

South of the regimented pleasure palaces of the sirens and the sprawling plantation-cities of their clients, the shrouded corals of Reumah Leluhur recall an earlier era of kucen development. Scattered tribal holds dot the striated coral hills, their colors growing increasingly clearer and brighter the further west one swims, as geothermal vents thin and the ocean floor rises closer to the elusive surface. It is a wild and dangerous stretch of sea, where the natural dangers of coral sharks and caravan-crackers are sometimes indiscernible from the war bands of kucen tribes, with the uninhabited spaces between tribal holds featuring some of the most spectacular coral forests, fed a unceasing supply of blood and bone. In these primeval battlegrounds, the coral serves as symbiotic home to a unique species of blooming fungus that leeches excess calcium carbonate to form hard-shelled discs that cast uncanny shadows.

Spoiler: People
Tribal Kucen

When the first siren Indah rose in Senja Bersinar to unify the kucen tribes beneath her glistening talons, the conquest was not so total as the Lambent Syndicate’s histories recount. As Indah’s honeyed words and ruthless tactics brought tribe after tribe to heel, the kucen chiefs and warlords at the far edges of their dominion grew increasingly terrified of the shadow to the north. Indah’s power, coupled with her clear intent to demolish the old order, moved the traditionalist kucen leaders to lengths once thought unthinkable, and beneath a banner now resigned to ignominy they sacrificed their pride and the pride of their tribes…and made peace. When Indah’s grasp stretched out to the kucen marches, she found herself grappling a confederation united in hatred and fear of nothing so much as her. Warriors unnumbered in their defeat pressed south, only to be repulsed time and time again. Even Indah’s greatest servants, her siren daughters, proved incapable of swaying even the weakest of the local warlords to their cause, and after nearly ten years of bloody struggle the mother of the Lambent Syndicate chose to turn her gaze elsewhere. It was not a defeat, of course, for defeat would be unthinkable. But the tribes found their freedom tenuously secure. In the years that followed, Indah’s disappearance and the merciless press of time eroded the purpose that once united the tribes, and little by little they descended once more into internecine conflict. Fortunately for them, the same state of affairs had come to dominate the shadow politics of the Syndicate, and the tribes were left to their little wars.

For a time.

The explosive expansion of Lucent Mistress Adiratna’s power through the subjugation of Kemenangan Adiratna dealt a terrible blow to her rivals’ complacency. Where once the Syndicate’s gaze had only stretched to its traditional borders, an entire world was now opening, its fruits ripe for the taking if one were cunning and ruthless enough. But while most of the Syndicate’s leadership thought to find advantage among the other civilized peoples of the tropic seas, the youngest and least magnificent among them struck upon a different strategy. For years, the southern tribes had watched in mounting jealousy as their northern cousins grew fat and wealthy, the oppressive terror of Syndicate rule obscured behind currents of luxury and aggressive propaganda. Conflicts once fought for honor or territory had begun to take on a markedly more materialistic shade, as tribes raided their neighbors for luxuries rather than essentials. Into this crucible, the Auroran Mistress Intan came not with steel, but with pearls. Spreading her proportionately meager wealth among the leaders of the largest tribes, she spun a vision of a new and binding federation, her faction of the Syndicate serving as figurehead and voice for the southern tribes, each chief and warlord elevated as captains within the Syndicate, with all the wealth and prestige that office entailed. Though she was initially greeted with mistrust, Intan’s clear need of them cast new light on union with Senja Bersinar, and eventually the southern tribes acceded. At once, wealth beyond the measure of their forefathers began to flow into the region. And warriors beyond the ken of the Syndicate’s drug-fueled conscripts leapt like a spear into Intan’s hand.

Spoiler: Resource
Hardplate Fungus

The unique fungal blooms that emerge from Rumah Leluhur’s ancient battlegrounds grow harder as they age, while retaining a great deal of supple flexibility. Long harvested by audacious hunters who brave the coral sharks, the fungus has served the local kucen tribes well as arms and armor for generations. Now possessed of the resources to protect industrial harvesting enterprises, the deep red calcifungus has begun to spread to the armies of other Mistresses and beyond.

Resource Requirement: Megafauna

Robbed of the constant warfare that once defined them, the tribes of Rumah Leluhur have petitioned Auroran Mistress Intan for a stopgap to retain their cultural distinctiveness from the soft peoples of Senja Bersinar. Her proposed solution, to import larger and more terrible beasts for the tribes’ chosen warriors to hunt, received early acclaim, though the longevity of the solution is far from decided.

Spoiler: Faith
The Fangs: Unlike the kucen of Senja Bersinar, the inhabitants of Rumah Leluhur have long shunned the Maw as a place of ill omen. However, two small tribes stand as noteworthy exceptions. Worshiping the eternal darkness found at the very heart of the Maw, these blind-seeker tribes have carved grim fortresses into a pair of jagged sea-monts that rise like teeth within sight of one another, dominating the northern and southern horizon line of their twins respectively. Long separate from the proper tribal relations of the region, the blind-seekers have yet to submit to Indah’s rule, their continued existence a strange mirror to the resistance offered against Indah by the southern tribes themselves.
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