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Thread: MITD Sweet XVI and Never Been Guessed

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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Just dropped in for the vote

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
    Errr... no? The two things are the nature of the ritual, read from RC's head, not Xykon; and second, the teleport destination from V's head.

    Grey Wolf
    "Ah, okay" on the second one, except that clairvoyance remains inapplicable for it; and for the first: Redcloak is supposed to have been thinking about the nature of the ritual Tsukiko was studying in secret from Redcloak around the creature in the darkness? I am guessing that the proposal is something like, "The creature in the darkness read from Redcloak's mind 'I gave Xykon half of a ritual a lot of years ago, which is central to our plan,' and from Tsukiko's mind, 'Xykon gave me this ritual to study and said it's central to his plans and to keep the fact that I'm studying it secret from Wrong-Eye,' and put these things together to say 'you're studying half a ritual,' since the only mind which holds that information directly would be Xykon's." At which point...1) isn't him actually, legitimately being able to recognize the ritual as half a ritual at a glance an entirely simpler explanation and 2) again, how would Clairvoyance work as an alternate explanation?
    Last edited by Kish; 2022-08-04 at 04:51 PM.