Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
I've seen the argument that Metal Gear as a franchise isn'tso much anti-war as it is pro-peace.

Like, soldiers and weapons are consistently present as cool and it's pretty clear from how the games present things that there are times when war and violence are necessary.

...Hell, the moral of Revengence seems to be "Don't be too quick to choose violence lest you become a monster, but if you must choose violence, choose overwhelming violence."

But at the end of the day the goal of Snake and Raiden is to preserve peace and even Big Boss wanted peace at first before he realized just how severely he and The Boss got screwed and switched to "created a paradise for soldiers where we'll always have a purpose without getting screwed over and **** everyone else."
Inside of Hideo Kojima there are two wolves.

One says "war is an abhorrent thing, killing another is monstrous even if necessary, and humanity should be interconnected"

One says "holy **** that tank is so cool look at all it's mechanical parts look at that jet oh man that gun sounds cool oh **** oh man this is rad as hell!"

Revengence is a special case in that it's not made directly by him but is the perfect distillation of all of that, plus a full admission of the secret desire of everyone who has ever had the brutality of modern day monsters press down on them; to reach into their abuser's chest, rip out their heart, and crush it. Because, as you said above, sometimes that's something that needs to be done, even if it's not a morally right thing.

And damn if it isn't satisfying to do.